Sunday, May 26, 2013

Ben Franklin by Albert Seniceros

I know that Ben franklin was born in Boston on January 17, 1706. Ben furthered his education in the printing in Philadelphia. Ben died on April 17, 1790. Ben Franklin's wife's name was Deborah. Her first husband, John Rogers, deserted her in 1725. In 1727 she heard of John's death and began dating her former sweetheart, Ben. He married Deborah in 1730, operated a general store out of the front Ben's print, raised Ben's son William as well the two children, Francis and Sarah. Fear of ocean voyages prevented her from traveling with Ben, so she spent many years alone in Philadelphia, while Ben was in England. She died unexpectedly of a stroke.


  1. This is a lot of interesting information about Ben Franlklin. He is one of America's Founding Fathers. He was also an inventor. He lived a long time and did many amazing things in his life.

  2. Ben Franklin must have been a very brave man because he went out during a thunder and lightning storm with a kite to test his theories about electricity. That's definitely not a safe thing to be doing!
